Category: Reptiles

  • Axolotls and Land Survival: Myth or Reality?

    Axolotls and Land Survival: Myth or Reality?

    Have you ever wondered if axolotls, also known as Mexican walking fish, can survive on land? This question sparks curiosity among axolotl enthusiasts worldwide. In this article, we will uncover the truth and shed light on whether these unique salamanders can truly thrive outside of water. Axolotls are primarily aquatic creatures, spending their entire lives…

  • Do Axolotls Lay Eggs? Surprising Egg-Laying Behavior: Revealing the Secrets

    Do Axolotls Lay Eggs? Surprising Egg-Laying Behavior: Revealing the Secrets

    Axolotls have long been a subject of fascination for scientists and animal enthusiasts. These captivating creatures possess unique characteristics that set them apart from other amphibians. One burning question that often arises is whether axolotls lay eggs. The answer is a resounding yes! However, the process of egg-laying in axolotls is quite distinct from that…

  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Axolotls: How Long Do Axolotls Live?

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Axolotls: How Long Do Axolotls Live?

    Welcome to the captivating world of axolotls, where enchantment and wonder abound. These unique creatures have long captured the fascination of both scientists and pet enthusiasts alike. One burning question that often arises is: How long do axolotls live? Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of their lifespan and…

  • 13 Things You Should Know About Axolotls

    13 Things You Should Know About Axolotls

    Welcome to the enchanting world of axolotls, where nature showcases its extraordinary wonders. These captivating creatures have been making waves in the pet world, capturing the hearts of enthusiasts and curious minds alike. Prepare to embark on an adventure as we delve into the secrets and quirks of axolotls. Brace yourself for an informative and…

  • Do Axolotls Bite? Everything You Need to Know

    Do Axolotls Bite? Everything You Need to Know

    Axolotls are fascinating creatures that have captivated the attention of many animal enthusiasts. Native to the waterways of Mexico, these amphibians are known for their unique ability to regenerate lost limbs and organs. However, one question that often arises is whether axolotls bite. Axolotls are not typically aggressive animals, and they rarely bite humans or…

  • Know Your Axolotl: How Often Do They Lay Eggs?

    Know Your Axolotl: How Often Do They Lay Eggs?

    Axolotls are like the equivalent of rabbits in breeding. They breed fast and in large amounts. When putting a female and a male in the same aquarium, breeding will happen constantly. As long as they have the right breeding conditions, you can expect around 1,000 eggs. As a general rule, if you keep male and…

  • Can Lizards Swim? Find Out the Surprising Facts About This Reptile’s Skills

    Can Lizards Swim? Find Out the Surprising Facts About This Reptile’s Skills

    It’s a common misconception that lizards can’t swim. In reality, many species of lizard are excellent swimmers, while others have adapted to their environments in different ways. The short answer is yes, lizards can swim. While many people may think of lizards as creatures that live on land, some species of lizards are well adapted…

  • Always On? Examining the Use of Heat Lamps for Bearded Dragons

    Always On? Examining the Use of Heat Lamps for Bearded Dragons

    Bearded dragons, or Pogona vitticeps, are a type of lizard native to parts of Australia. They are popular pets due to their friendly nature and relatively easy care needs. One important aspect of caring for a bearded dragon is providing it with the right amount and kind of heat. Leaving the heat lamp on all…

  • Sound Asleep: Do Axolotls Sleep?

    Sound Asleep: Do Axolotls Sleep?

    Axolotls have weird sleeping habits that make pet owners wonder if they truly sleep. Like many aquatic animals, axolotls do not have a traditional sleep cycle. Instead of sleeping during the night, they take short naps throughout the day— usually lasting from just a couple of minutes to 1-2 hours at a time. They can…

  • Share the Tank: What Fish Can Coexist with Axolotls?

    Share the Tank: What Fish Can Coexist with Axolotls?

    Axolotls are antisocial creatures, they prefer to be at peace alone rather than have a companion with them. But if they were to have a companion, it’s best if they’re minnows, guppy fishes, or another axolotl. However, it’s easier said than done. After all, introducing a new friend to your axolotl can be dangerous over…