Showering a Beardie: Debunking the Myth that Bearded Dragons Don’t Like Water




Showering a Beardie: Debunking the Myth!

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If you’re a bearded dragon owner, you know how important it is to keep your pet clean and healthy. These adorable reptiles are known for their unique personalities and their ability to bond with their owners. But when it comes to hygiene, do bearded dragons enjoy taking showers?

The Importance of Hygiene for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are naturally clean animals and require routine care to maintain good hygiene. In the wild, they would typically self-clean by rubbing against rough surfaces or basking in the sun. However, as captive pets, they rely on their owners to provide proper care.

Maintaining good hygiene is essential for preventing infections and promoting overall health in bearded dragons. This includes regular cleaning of their enclosure and accessories, as well as periodic baths or showers.

The Common Belief that Bearded Dragons do Not Like Water

There is a common belief among some bearded dragon owners that these pets do not like water. This notion might stem from the fact that these reptiles are native to arid regions and do not typically encounter large bodies of water in the wild.

However, this belief is not entirely true. While some bearded dragons may not enjoy being submerged in water or exposed to heavy sprays from a showerhead, others may appreciate it.

Many experts recommend providing regular opportunities for your bearded dragon to soak in shallow water or take light showers as part of their routine care regimen. These activities can help them stay hydrated and assist with shedding skin more easily.

So what’s the verdict? Do bearded dragons like showers?

The answer appears to vary based on individual preferences and experiences. In the next section, we’ll explore this topic further by discussing varying opinions on the matter.

Do Bearded Dragons Like Showers?

Bearded dragons are known to be low-maintenance pets when it comes to their hygiene needs. However, some owners may wonder if their bearded dragon would enjoy a good shower or not. The answer to this question can vary from one beardie to another, and there are different opinions on the topic.

Discussing Varying Opinions

Some people believe that bearded dragons do not enjoy the water and should avoid it as much as possible. Others believe that showers can be beneficial for these pets, especially during shedding periods or when they need extra hydration. As a general rule, you should bath or shower your beardie roughly around 2-3 times a week.

The Enjoyment Factor

While some bearded dragons may seem indifferent or uncomfortable during shower time, others may enjoy the experience. Some owners report that their beardies will even bask under a gentle stream of warm water, seemingly relaxed and content. Of course, this doesn’t mean that all bearded dragons will feel the same way.

Some may show signs of stress or discomfort during showers, such as trying to escape or puffing up their beard. Understanding your own bearded dragon’s preferences and behaviors is key when deciding whether or not to incorporate showers into their hygiene routine.

The Benefits of Showering for Bearded Dragons

Most people assume that bearded dragons do not like water and therefore should not be bathed or showered. However, this is a misconception, as many bearded dragons actually enjoy the feeling of being in the water and benefit greatly from regular bathing. Showering can provide several benefits for your pet.


One of the most important benefits that showering provides for bearded dragons is hydration. As desert animals, they are naturally adapted to survive with very little water intake. However, this means that they may become dehydrated easily if they are not given access to enough water.

Showering your bearded dragon can help to supplement their water intake and prevent dehydration. In addition, the humidity in the air during a shower can also help keep their skin hydrated and healthy.

Shedding Assistance

Another great benefit of showering for bearded dragons is shedding assistance. Bearded dragons shed their skin periodically throughout their lives as they grow. Sometimes this process can be difficult or painful if the old skin does not come off easily.

Showering your bearded dragon can help to soften the skin and make it easier to shed. The warm water can also soothe any discomfort or irritation caused by shedding.

Respiratory Health

Showering can also provide significant respiratory health benefits for your bearded dragon. If a beardie is suffering from respiratory issues such as an infection or congestion, steam inhalation may help clear up any mucus build-up in its lungs.

A warm misty environment will open up its airways making it easier for them to breathe properly again without any blockages. Overall, showering your bearded dragon regularly has many benefits worth considering!

How to Shower a Bearded Dragon

Showering a bearded dragon can be an effective way to keep them clean and healthy. However, it is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure that the process is safe and comfortable for your pet. Here’s how you can safely and effectively shower your bearded dragon:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Start by filling up a shallow container with lukewarm water. You want the water level to only reach up to your pet’s belly.
  2. Gently place your bearded dragon into the container of water, making sure that its head stays above the water level.
  3. Using a small cup or watering can, pour water over your pet, being careful not to get any in their eyes, ears, or nose.
  4. Allow your bearded dragon to soak in the water for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Use a soft-bristled brush or cloth to gently scrub any dirty areas of their skin.
  6. Rinse your pet off with clean lukewarm water.

Temperature and Duration Guidelines

It is important not to use hot or cold water when bathing your bearded dragon as this could cause stress or shock them. A lukewarm temperature of around 90°F (32°C) will provide optimal comfort for your pet. As for duration, 10-15 minutes is usually sufficient time for them to soak and get clean without causing any undue stress.

The Importance of Monitoring Your Pet

While showering your bearded dragon can have many benefits, it is important that you monitor them closely throughout the entire process. Make sure they are not struggling or showing signs of distress such as hissing or puffing out their beard.

If at any point you notice that they are uncomfortable or stressed, stop immediately and try again another time. With patience and practice, you will be able to find a showering routine that works best for both you and your beloved bearded dragon.

Tips for Making Shower Time Enjoyable for Your Bearded Dragon

A Gentle Spray Nozzle

One of the biggest reasons why bearded dragons may not enjoy shower time is because the water pressure can be too strong for them. To combat this, try using a gentle spray nozzle that will provide a softer stream of water. You can find these nozzles at most pet stores or online, and they are relatively inexpensive.

Provide Toys

Another way to make shower time more enjoyable for your bearded dragon is to provide them with toys to play with. This could be anything from a small ball to a plastic toy that floats on the water. Having something to interact with can help distract them from any stress they may feel during their bath.

Create Positive Associations

It’s important to create positive associations with shower time in order for your bearded dragon to enjoy it. One way to do this is by offering them a treat after their bath as a reward.

You could also try playing soothing music or talking gently to them throughout the process. By following these tips, you should be able to make shower time much more enjoyable for your pet!


After exploring the topic of whether or not bearded dragons like showers, it is clear that there isn’t a simple answer. While some bearded dragons may enjoy the experience, others may not.

However, it is important for owners to understand the benefits of showering their pets. Showering can aid in hydration, shedding, and respiratory health.

If you are interested in trying to shower your bearded dragon but are unsure if they will like it, there are a few things you can do to make the experience more enjoyable for them. Providing a gentle spray nozzle and some toys can help alleviate any stress or discomfort your pet may feel.

Additionally, creating a positive association with shower time by offering treats or praise can help your pet learn to enjoy the experience. Overall, whether or not you choose to shower your bearded dragon is up to you as their owner.

As long as you follow proper safety guidelines and monitor your pet during the process, there isn’t any harm in trying it out if you feel comfortable doing so. Just remember that every pet is different and may have unique preferences when it comes to hygiene practices.

How can showering assist my bearded dragon during shedding?

Showering your bearded dragon can help to soften its skin, making the shedding process easier and less uncomfortable. The warm water can soothe any discomfort or irritation caused by shedding.

How can I tell if my bearded dragon is dehydrated?

Signs of dehydration in bearded dragons include sunken eyes, wrinkled or dull-looking skin, lack of energy, and loss of appetite. Regular showers can aid in hydration and prevent dehydration in your pet.

Can I use a standard showerhead to shower my bearded dragon?

While it’s technically possible, a standard showerhead may emit water with too much force, which can be stressful for your bearded dragon. A gentler spray nozzle is typically a better option to ensure your pet’s comfort during shower time.

Do bearded dragons require a specific type of shampoo or cleaning solution during showers?

No, bearded dragons do not require any specific type of shampoo or cleaning solution. In fact, using these could potentially harm their skin or eyes. Simply using lukewarm water is sufficient to clean your bearded dragon.

Can showering help with my bearded dragon’s digestion?

Yes, the hydration from showering can actually aid in your bearded dragon’s digestion. Regular hydration can help ensure their digestive system functions properly, potentially reducing issues like constipation.

Is it possible to shower a baby bearded dragon?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can also benefit from regular showers, following the same precautions and techniques as adult dragons. However, you should be extra gentle with babies due to their smaller size and more delicate nature.

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