The Must-Have Rabbit Supplies for a Happy and Healthy Rabbit




The Must-Have Rabbit Supplies for a Happy and Healthy Rabbit

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Rabbits make wonderful pets, but to ensure that your furry friend is happy and healthy, you need to have the right supplies. Whether you’re a new bunny parent or an experienced one, this guide will help you understand what your rabbit needs and why. So, let’s hop to it!

A Hutch or Cage

A hutch or cage is the first must-have item on our list, and it’s where your bunny will spend the majority of its time. Your rabbit’s home should be spacious enough for them to move around freely, and it should be made of sturdy materials that can withstand the test of time.

When choosing a hutch or cage, it’s important to measure the space you have available, as well as your bunny’s size. According to HRA guidelines, rabbits should have access to an enclosure of at least 8 square feet. However, for them to be able to exercise sufficiently each day – a minimum of five hours – they would need an additional 24 square feet in which they can move around freely.

There are many different types of hutches and cages to choose from, but it’s essential to pick one that is safe and secure for your pet. Consider purchasing a cage with a solid bottom and removable pan for easy cleaning. A wire cage with a solid floor is another great option, as it provides excellent ventilation for your bunny.


Your bunny needs a soft, cozy place to rest, and bedding is the perfect solution. Bedding helps to keep your rabbit warm and dry, and it provides a comfortable place to nap. When selecting bedding, look for materials that are soft and absorbent, such as recycled paper or aspen shavings.

Avoid using cedar or pine shavings, as they contain oils that can be harmful to your bunny. If you prefer a more eco-friendly option, consider using old towels or blankets that you no longer need. Just be sure to wash them regularly to keep your bunny’s space clean and fresh.

Food and Water Dishes

Your rabbit needs a place to eat and drink, so you’ll need to purchase food and water dishes. Look for dishes that are made of durable materials, such as ceramic or stainless steel, and that is easy to clean.

When it comes to feeding your bunny, it’s important to choose a high-quality diet that includes hay, fresh vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets. Hay should make up the majority of your bunny’s diet, as it provides essential nutrients and keeps their digestive system healthy.

Litter Box

A litter box is an essential item for your bunny’s cage, and it helps to keep their living space clean and hygienic. Look for a litter box that is the right size for your bunny and that is made of durable materials. You’ll also want to choose a litter that is safe for your pet and doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.

Drawing on my own experience, I’ve discovered that plastic litterboxes are a great option. Unfortunately, my rabbits kept nibbling at the container’s sides! Thus, I opted for one with curved edges to prevent their teeth from getting any foothold in the material.

There are many different types of litter to choose from, including paper, wood chips, and recycled paper. It’s important to choose a litter that is absorbent and that helps to control odors. Consider trying a few different litters to find the one that works best for your bunny.

Toys and Accessories

Rabbits are active, curious creatures, and they need plenty of toys and accessories to keep them entertained and stimulated. Some great options include balls, chew toys, and cardboard boxes for them to play in. You can also purchase tunnels, bridges, and hiding places to add to their cage.

It’s important to choose toys that are safe for your bunny and to regularly check them for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any pieces that are coming loose or breaking, it’s best to remove them to prevent any potential choking hazards.

Grooming Supplies

Rabbits have delicate coats that need regular grooming to keep them looking and feeling their best. Some of the essential grooming supplies you’ll need to include a soft brush, nail clippers, and a comb.

Brushing your rabbit’s coat regularly will help to prevent matting and keep their skin healthy. You can also use a comb to remove any tangles or knots. Nail clippers are an important tool for keeping your bunny’s nails trimmed, and it’s essential to be careful when cutting their nails to avoid causing any pain or injury.


A carrier is another must-have item on our list, and it’s essential for trips to the vet or when you need to transport your bunny. Look for a carrier that is spacious enough for your bunny to move around comfortably, and that has plenty of ventilation.

A carrier with a solid bottom is ideal, as it will help to keep your bunny stable during transport. You can also consider purchasing a carrier with a comfortable pad for your bunny to rest on. Just be sure to choose a carrier that is easy to clean and that provides a secure, comfortable space for your bunny.

Hay Rack

Hay is an essential part of your bunny’s diet, and a hay rack is a great way to keep it clean and easily accessible. Look for a hay rack that is made of durable materials and that can be easily attached to your bunny’s cage.

A hay rack helps to keep the hay off the ground and away from any moisture, which can cause it to spoil. It’s also a great way to keep the hay neatly organized and to prevent any waste.

Choose a hay rack that is the right size for your bunny and that attaches securely to the cage.

These are just some of the essential items you’ll need for your furry friend’s cage. With these few items, you’re well on your way to providing your bunny with a comfortable, safe home.


To wrap it up, these are only a few of the essentials that any rabbit parent must have. By providing your bunny with proper supplies, you can guarantee they will be healthy and well taken care of. Spend on suitable items for your pet companion, and witness them thrive in their new abode! Best wishes on being an amazing rabbit owner!

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