Category: Rabbits

  • Why Your Rabbit is Jumping Around Its Cage: Possible Reasons and Solutions

    Why Your Rabbit is Jumping Around Its Cage: Possible Reasons and Solutions

    If you have a pet rabbit, you may have noticed that it jumps around its cage quite a bit. While this behavior may seem odd at first, it is quite normal for rabbits. Rabbits are known for their energetic and playful nature, and jumping is just one way they express themselves. There are many reasons…

  • Best Outdoor Rabbit Cages and Hutches for 2023 – Buyers Guide!

    Best Outdoor Rabbit Cages and Hutches for 2023 – Buyers Guide!

    Rabbits are adorable pets that can bring joy to any household. However, keeping them indoors can be challenging, and that’s where outdoor cages and hutches come in. These products are designed to provide rabbits with a safe and comfortable environment while allowing them to enjoy the outdoors. Outdoor cages and hutches come in various sizes,…

  • Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies? Understanding Rabbit Maternal Behavior

    Do Rabbits Eat Their Babies? Understanding Rabbit Maternal Behavior

    If you are a rabbit owner, you may be wondering if rabbits can eat their babies. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Cannibalism in rabbits is a rare but natural behavior that can occur for a variety of reasons. One reason why rabbits may eat their babies is due to stress. If a mother rabbit feels…

  • Rabbit Cleaning: Why They Make Noises and What They Mean

    Rabbit Cleaning: Why They Make Noises and What They Mean

    If you’re a rabbit owner, you may have noticed that your furry friend makes a variety of noises while cleaning themselves. While it may seem like a simple act, there’s a lot of communication and behavior happening when rabbits clean themselves. Understanding why rabbits make noises while cleaning can help you better understand your pet’s…

  • What Are Rabbits’ Favorite Foods? A Comprehensive Guide

    What Are Rabbits’ Favorite Foods? A Comprehensive Guide

    Rabbits are known for their love of certain types of food, but what exactly is their favorite? Understanding a rabbit’s diet and eating habits is important for both pet owners and those interested in the biology of these cute creatures. Firstly, it’s important to note that rabbits are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. In…

  • Is Rabbit Poop a Good Fertilizer for Your Garden?

    Is Rabbit Poop a Good Fertilizer for Your Garden?

    Many gardeners and farmers wonder whether rabbit poop is good fertilizer for their plants. The answer is a resounding yes! Rabbit poop is a nutrient-rich fertilizer that can improve soil quality and promote healthy plant growth. Rabbit poop is a popular choice among gardeners and farmers because it contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and…

  • The Gross but Necessary Habit of Rabbits Eating Their Own Poop

    The Gross but Necessary Habit of Rabbits Eating Their Own Poop

    Have you ever heard the rumor that rabbits eat their poop? It’s not exactly the most appetizing topic, but it’s one that many people are curious about. So, let’s answer the big question right off the bat: Yes, rabbits do eat their poop, but not all of it. In fact, there’s a very specific type…

  • Do Rabbits Miss Each Other? How to Show Love to Your Bonded Rabbit Pairs

    Do Rabbits Miss Each Other? How to Show Love to Your Bonded Rabbit Pairs

    Rabbits are social animals, and they love to be around other rabbits. They communicate with each other in a variety of ways, including through body language, vocalizations, and scent marking. But do rabbits miss each other when they’re separated? This is a common question among rabbit owners and lovers. In this blog post, we’ll explore…

  • Uncover the Mystery Behind Rabbit Tails: How Long Are They?

    Uncover the Mystery Behind Rabbit Tails: How Long Are They?

    Rabbits are a common household pet, known for their soft fur, floppy ears, and cute little tails. But have you ever wondered if rabbits have long tails? As a matter of fact, the answer is no, rabbits do not typically have long tails. In fact, their tails are quite short compared to other animals. So…

  • The Must-Have Rabbit Supplies for a Happy and Healthy Rabbit

    The Must-Have Rabbit Supplies for a Happy and Healthy Rabbit

    Rabbits make wonderful pets, but to ensure that your furry friend is happy and healthy, you need to have the right supplies. Whether you’re a new bunny parent or an experienced one, this guide will help you understand what your rabbit needs and why. So, let’s hop to it! A Hutch or Cage A hutch…